First-order lags

1 First-order lags

Whenever the special variable end_time is non-zero, wasora enters into transient mode. These examples introduce transient problems by illustrating how first-order lags can be used to filter signals.

1.1 lag.was

This example generates a signal r(t) which is zero except for a < t < b, where it takes the value one. Then, the signal y(t) is computed as a first-order lag of r(t) with a characteristic time \tau. The output consists of three columns containing t, r(t) and y(t). By using the keyword HEADER a commented line is pre-prended to the output with a textual representation of the expressions passed to PRINT which are automatically understood by qdp so a reasonable figure can be obtained with virtually no effort, as shown in terminal mimic where the output of wasora is piped to qdp.

# this is a transient problem and lasts 5 units of time
end_time = 5
# each time step is equal to 1/20th of a unit of time
dt = 1/20

# some parameters, which we define as constants
CONST a b tau
a = 1
b = 3
tau = 1.234

# signal r is equal to zero except for a < t < b
r = 0
r[a:b] = 1

# signal y is equal to signal r fitered through a lag
# of characteristic time tau
y = lag(r, tau)

PRINT t r y

# exercise: investigate how the result of the lag
# depends on the time step
$ wasora lag.was | qdp -o lag
Output of lag.was

1.2 compact.was

Instead of writing the long input shown in lag.was, we could have obtained the same result with a couple of lines. Indeed, the terminal shows that the output of this input is the same as the one of the previous longer example.

# the preceeding example could have been written in fewer
# lines as follows (although the SPOT rule is broken)
end_time = 5
dt = 1/20
PRINT t heaviside(t-1)-heaviside(t-3) lag(heaviside(t-1)-heaviside(t-3),1.234)
$ wasora lag.was > lag.dat
$ wasora compact.was > compact.dat
$ diff -s lag.dat compact.dat
Files lag.dat and compact.dat are identical

The reported difference is due to the presence of the HEADER keyword in the first input so qdp can automatically label the bullets. kate

1.3 quasi-sine.was

Not only does this example illustrate the usage of a first-order lag, but also of a point-wise defined function s(t) (more on one-dimensional functions in case 007-functions). In this case, the data is interpolated using the Akima method, and end_time is set to the variable s_b which contains the last value of the one-dimensional function s (incidentally, s_a contains the first value).

0     1
1     1+0.25
2     1-0.25
3     1+0.5
4     1-0.5
5     1+0.75
6     1-0.75
7     1+0.75
8     1-0.75
9     1+0.9
10    1-0.9
12    1
15    1
18    1    
20    1  

end_time = s_b

PRINT t s(t) lag(s(t),1) HEADER
$ wasora quasi-sine.was | qdp -o quasi-sine
Output of quasi-sine.was